To alleviate confusion on when these letters are required and requirements behind them.

There are two times in the casino licensing process that a letter is required; first when a unit is applying for casino eligibility (one time only) and when they are applying for a casino.

This letter will be required to be submitted with the application for a casino that is done by the advisor on the last day of the current casino.  There will be no need to submit a letter with the application for the license which is done 60 to 90 days prior to the casino dates.

Gaming has advised that any application received for a casino will NOT be acted upon until the letter is received from the branch under the President and Treasurer’s signatures.

The request for a letter of good standing is to be sent to the Provincial Secretary who will forward the requirements that have to be met.

Financial requirements are that your CSC must have submitted the current year end financials which include income and expense statement, asset and liability statement and an updated list of assets held by the CSC.  You also need to have submitted the income statement in the format required for National (found on our web sight at resources, financials, financial consolidated statement, downloads).

The secretary is looking for regular meetings of the CSC, proper up to date minutes and that the society annual returns are current.  This information will be forwarded to the secretary by the League Representative.

It is recommended that the request for this letter be submitted at least 30 days prior to your scheduled casino.

Any questions can be directed to the provincial treasurer at or your zone chair.